My mother has collected vintage and antique treasures for as long as I can remember. I will never forget the time that she appropriated the funds which the rest of our family had assumed would go towards our first color television set. We ended up with a very special antique corner cupboard instead. As a sign of protest at the corner cupboard purchase, we sat in chairs to "watch" the corner cupboard which was supposed to be our new TV.
My mother-in-law and father-in-law were also avid vintage and antique collectors. My mother-in-law was an antiques dealer as well. Since my husband and I had similar interests in vintage things, our home is full of old furniture.
After I had been making stock ties for a while, I decided to starting using buttons instead of bead strings as embellishments. New buttons were quickly usurped by my fascination for and admiration of the quality of workmanship and quality of materials in the vintage buttons. The evolution to the search for vintage pins was a natural progression. I am now very knowledgeable about the history of evolution of costume jewelry pins.
I started my acquisition of vintage pins without specific rules for purchase, but quickly honed in on my search criteria. I have followed my self imposed search criteria ever since. I choose to offer a vast vintage pin collection as service to my stock tie customer first and foremost. My mark up from my original purchase price is low. I will offer significant discounts on vintage pin purchases to go with stock ties. I have been known to give away pins because I know that a certain pin belongs with a certain stock tie.
My rules and search criteria for vintage pin acquisition are as follows:
1. Only buy what I like, because I may be owning it indefinitely.
2. Check the fronts and backs of items to verify functioning parts, mechanism of closure, and evaluate for missing pieces.
3. Evaluate size of pin in all dimensions- height, width, depth- to determine whether the pin will be successful for planned purpose, i.e. "will it fit on a stock tie?"
4. Choose pins with colors which are appropriate for the planned purpose.
5. Only purchase a duplicate of one that I already own or have owned if I really like it, because in all likelihood, I will be owning it indefinitely!